What is Buckets of Love?

Buckets of Love is a national fundraising initiative dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of those working in the entertainment industry. This year, during Mental Health Awareness Month, theatres across the country will come together for a single weekend - October 11th-13th - to host bucket collections in their venues. Our goal is simple yet powerful: to reduce the alarmingly high rates of suicide, anxiety and depression in the entertainment industry by providing free evidence-based education programs.

Why It Matters

The entertainment industry thrives on the creativity and passion of its people, but it also presents unique challenges that can impact mental health. From the pressures of performance to the instability many face, the industry sees alarmingly higher rates of anxiety and depression. Buckets of Love was created to address these issues directly, providing vital support where needed most.

how to Get Involved

Whether you’re a theatre looking to host a collection, an industry professional, or a member of the public who wants to contribute, there are several ways you can get involved:


How the Funds Are Used

Every dollar raised through Buckets of Love will be used to offer free education and wellbeing programs for entertainment industry workers. These programs are designed to support individuals with the tools they need to manage stress, build resilience, and self-manage their mental health.

Learn More

For more information about Buckets of Love, including how to get involved or how funds are allocated, feel free to contact us directly. We’re here to answer any questions and help you make a difference.